Wednesday, March 9, 2011

~Honey for a Child's Heart~

Excerpts from Honey for a Child's Heart by Gladys Hunt on the importance of good books in a child's life. Her book is so full of wisdom and truth I was tempted to quote whole chapters. I shall do a review on her book in the near future.
" Any good book can be used by God in a child's development, for a good book has genuine spir
itual substance, not just intellectual enjoyment.Books help children know what to look for in life. It is like developing the taste buds of his mind as a child learns to savor what he sees, hears, and experiences and fits these into some kind of worthwhile framework. What is unfamiliar becomes close and real in books. What is ridiculous helps children see he humor in their own lives... Books are no substitute for life, but a keener pleasure comes to life because of books."
"The quality of the idea, the skill of the plot, the depth of the characterization, the distinctive style of the author-that's the best I can do by way of defining a good book."
"I have already mentioned the importance of illustrations. A great variety of styles should be part of a child's inheritance, not just the parent's current preference. Bright colors, gentle pastels, bold strokes, whimsical lines, quaint old-fashioned pictures, modern design, pen and ink sketches-the story will demand a certain mood for the child."
"Good literature teaches more than we know. Example always speaks louder than precept, and books can do more to inspire honor and tenacity of purpose than all the scoldings and
exhortations in the world."
"The most subtle and profound ideas are often found in books written for children...Good fantasy helps us see "reality in unreality, credibility in incredibility." A child accepts and loves fantasy because of his own rich imagination and sense of wonder. For children, magical things are not nearly as complicated as they are for adults. They have room in their minds for all sorts of happenings. "
"Family reading aloud demands good literature. Only the best can stand the test of having the words hit the airwaves and fall into the mind of such a variety of ages. You won't find a busy father reading insipid, sentimental stories aloud for very long-and the best family reading requires a father's voice."
"Underlying all of this discussion is my thesis that parents who read widely together with their children are going to be those who most influence their children, who have the largest world view, who have an uncommon delight in what is good and true and beautiful-and an uncommon commitment to it. Sharing and feeling and talking together will come naturally. Books shared with each other provide that kind of climate."

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