Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? ~Richard J. Maybury

"You can understand almost anything if it explained well."
"Economics is fascinating and easy to understand, except when someone presents it in a boring or difficult way." Maybury

The best book hands down on economics! This subject has never been very easy for me to grasp but after I read this book everything changed! It was so easy to get in to, plus Maybury explained economics in a very detailed but simple way.

Richard J. Maybury has written a series of letters posing as an uncle writing to a nephew on money, economics, debt, precious metals, government, historical happenings involving inflation etc.

A paragraph of the preface:
"This book is written for people who think economics, business or money is beyond them and best left to experts. As a technique to keep the explanations as clear and simple as possible, the book is in the form of a series of letters which might have been written by the uncle of a ninth-grade student. The student has asked about inflation and recession, and the uncle, an economist, is answering. When possible, the letters explain by describing historical events. These cover both ancient and modern history, with special attention to the Roman Empire."

A few things you will learn in this treasure trove of knowledge are:
  • Where we got the word 'dollar'
  • Why coins are reeded
  • Why our nation is in debt
  • Why the american dollar has no value
  • What natural law and economic prosperity mean
  • How to invest in gold and silver
  • How much is a trillion?
  • One reason why governments spend so much
  • What does tanstafl mean?
  • Foreign currencies
And so much more! I highly recommend this for a family read aloud and economics curriculum.

Violence: None
Indecency: None
Language: None
Age Interest: 12-adult or whole family


Shelbi said...

Great post! We bought this book about two years ago...you've inspired me to read it!! :)

james said...

Thanks for the review, you put lots of time and effort into it. What would you recommend on the subject of love?